Government Backed Scheme

Free Scottish Boiler Grant Scheme

Households with Benefits get a New Boiler, with £0 to Pay, No Cost, Backed by the UK GOVERNMENT

Are you a Homeowner ✅ living in Scotland? Are you or anyone in your household in receipt of Benefits? ✅

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Find out if you qualify by entering your postcode below, the process takes just 60 seconds:

OR CALL OUR TEAM ON 0800 193 3995



Should you wish to learn more please visit the GOV.UK website. The ‘Affordable Warmth’ part of the energy company’s obligations provides for Free boiler funding.

Find out within 60 seconds if you qualify...

Enter Your Postcode

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Your Free Boiler is Installed

Enjoy Instant Benefit

Does this apply to you?

  • Receive income related benefits?
  • Homeowner in Scotland?
  • Your boiler is 8+ years old?

Find out in 60 seconds if you qualify!

OR CALL OUR TEAM ON: 0800 193 3995

Government Backed Funding

ZERO or Minimal Cost To You

Check if you’re eligible for Free Boiler Funding from the Government Backed ECO Scheme. If you’re eligible, you could get a brand new boiler absolutely FREE

Check Eligibility In 60 Seconds

There’s a lot of paperwork in getting the right Boiler Funding. That’s why we take the work off of your shoulders & do it for you!

Match To A Local Approved Fitter

All of the installers that we use are experts trained to ensure each and every boiler installation is completed with the minimum of interruption so that you can start to enjoy the benefits of your new central heating as soon as possible.

Do You Qualify?

  • Homeowner (living in the property)

  • Receive Income Related Benefits

  • Boiler 8+ Years old

*Full list: Universal Credit, Pension Credit, ESA, JSA, Income Support, Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits, AFIP, Attendance Allowance, Carer’s Allowance, DLA, PIP, War Pensions Mobility Supplement, Severe Disablement Allowance, Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit, Constant Attendance Allowance or Child Benefits

If you are in receipt of any of the above benefits you may well qualify for a free gas boiler or electrical heating grant. Do you receive any of the following income-related benefits including, universal credit, working tax credits, pension credits, child tax credits, income-related ESA and income-related JSA. If the answer is ‘YES’, then the chances are you qualify for a FREE A-rated boiler grant.

Under the Government ECO scheme your boiler must be over 8 years old to automatically qualify for a FREE boiler grant. However, if your boiler is under 8 years old, then it is assumed that it will be more cost effective to repair your current boiler, than to have it replaced.

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Reduce Your Heating Bill for Free

If your old boiler is performing at 65% efficiency, then 35% is going to waste. This could amount to as much as 35p for every £1 you spend! 

However, if you upgrade to an A-rated boiler then this can operate at over 90% efficiency, meaning less than 10p is going to waste. So you could save as much as £300 over the course of a year with a new A-rated boiler. You could spend this money elsewhere, on more exciting things than energy bills.

If you are in receipt of any of the benefits mentioned, just fill in your postcode to confirm whether you are eligible or not for a FREE boiler grant.

How is the Boiler Grant Free?

Under Government legislation the Big 6 energy companies are obliged to provide funding to help reduce fuel poverty and improve the UK’s carbon footprint, by installing more efficient heating systems for people who need it most. With this funding, you could get a boiler for free, if you meet the qualifying criteria

How long does installation take?

We know that many of our clients will want to know exactly how long it will take to get their new boiler full functioning and heating their home, especially if their current boiler has issues. 

Typically it takes 2-3 weeks from application, although it can be even sooner. However, in the event that a third party service, such as new gas supply to the property is required, then the process can take a little longer.

Homeowner information

If you are a homeowner living in the property whose boiler is over 8 years old, and you are in receipt of one or more of the listed benefits, you qualify to apply. 

Qualifying benefits include: Universal Credit, Pension Credit, ESA, JSA, Income Support, Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits, AFIP, Attendance Allowance, Carer’s Allowance, DLA, PIP, War Pensions Mobility Supplement, Severe Disablement Allowance, Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit, Constant Attendance Allowance or Child Benefits. If you have any questions about your eligibility or about enquiring then don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Find out in 60 seconds if you qualify!

OR CALL OUR TEAM ON: 0800 193 3995